Sea Tech Week, 9th marine science conference
13 – 17 october 2014, Quartz, Brest
From 13th to 17th october 2014 took place the Sea Tech Week at Le Quartz Congress Center of Brest. Organized by Brest Métropole Océane and Technopôle Brest-Iroise, this event gathers every two years since 1999, french and foreign academics, industrials and institutional players concerned by the various marine disciplines.
15 conferences were on the agenda, regarding technological developments and problematics in the field of marine technologies. On 13th october Corrodys gave a lecture about biofouling.
A well-known subject for our laboratory, that presented its work carried out during the collaborative R&D project MICSIPE (financed by RFCS – Research Fund for Coal and Steel) and coordinated by us. This provided the opportunity to exchange ideas on new protection strategies against biofilm and marine fouling between academics, users and industrialists.
After the Sea Tech Week in Brest, other events are planned, like the next biofouling-antifouling workshop of the University of Toulon in April 2015 which we will attend.