6th Cathodic Protection Days

par | 3 Juil 2014

Corrodys participated in the 6th Cathodic Protection Days

From 24 to 26 June 2014 at the convention center of Antibes in Juan-Les-Pins

6th Cathodic Protection Days

Cefracor and European Federation of Corrosion
CORRODYS participated in the 6th Cathodic Protection Days organized by the CEFRACOR (Anticorrosion French Center) in Antibes from 24 to 26 June 2014.

Organized this year under the auspices of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) the event has taken on an international dimension, benefitting form a wider audience.

150 participants and 30 exhibitors attended the event: contractors, products and materials suppliers, services companies, laboratories, research centers … everyone involved in corrosion issues and interested in the cathodic protection technique and the coatings associated with it.

Anodes cathodic protectionMany scientific sessions (56 presentations) and posters have been proposed to participants during the three days of the Congress regarding Cathodic protection on immerged or burried metal or reinforced concrete structures (water, gaz or other product pipe networks, drilled piles, wharves and harbour facilities, offshore structures, ships …).

Recent technical and scientific developments on equipments (data acquisition and transmission, control, new anodes…) have also been presented.

A report will be on line soon on the CEFRACOR dedicated website of the event

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